Interviewed on “The Ethical Doctor,” WBAI, 99.5 FM,
New York, live broadcast - 2012.
Guest on “Game Changers: Our Bodies, Ourselves,”
The Current, CBC radio, live broadcast - 2011.
Guest Panelist on “Prelude to the Human Genome Project,” Radio show
“Action Speaks,” live broadcast on NPR, Providence, RI - 2008
Interviewed live on CBC radio one “maritime noon” regarding the delivery of the FrankMacKinnon lecture at the University of Prince Edward Island - 2008
Interviewed as historical expert for CBS Sunday Morning opening
segment on prenatal genetic testing - 2007
Interviewed live on KCBS radio regarding the National Archives
decision to alter women’s march photo - 2020
Consultant and speaker featured in “The Eugenics Crusade,” 2-hour documentary, PBS American Experience series, produced and directed by Michelle Ferrari - 2018